In the age of GDPR, how do you get more leads and more customers? How can you reach your audience more easily? What methods should be used to disseminate a message of expertise? Live streaming on the internet!
What is live streaming on the internet
The live broadcast of videos on the Internet is simply to address the public live without filter and without editing. Live streaming on the internet allows Internet users to participate in an event that is taking place simultaneously in a remote location. The event can be a concert, a news item, but also a conference-type event aimed at a specific audience.
The specificity of live video comes from television. Internet users are used to watching news channels where the information is live during news events. This allows them to follow the news without filter and a feeling of truth emerges. On social media live broadcasting was heavily promoted by Facebook with its Facebook Live in 2016. Since then live broadcasting has become commonplace. It is done with a smartphone for individuals, but can be done with more professional multicamera productions. Also watch unique live streaming at FUBO channels.
Live internet broadcasting for businesses
By streaming videos live, businesses can reach audiences with tremendous efficiency.
GDPR involves many constraints and opportunities for businesses. However, they still need to prospect, to convey the message of their products and services. The first reflex is advertising of course, but Internet users easily install advertising filters (addblock) and the advertising message tends to be barely visible. Live internet broadcasting has several advantages here.
Live video broadcast
The main advantages of live Streaming
Live video has many advantages that allow the company, in B2C and B2B to reach its commercial target in the long term.
The authenticity of the video is the main asset. Live does not suffer from deceptively perfect editing and images. What the Internet user sees on the screen of his computer or his mobile is actually happening. This authenticity allows you to broadcast a message about your products and services that will have a direct impact on your image and on contacts with your subscribers, prospects and customers.
The promotion of your direct is done in multi-channel: Press and Emailing, word of mouth, Internet users, and social networks which promote live video.
As you talk to the camera, people watch, comment, share, and expect some interactivity with you. If you know how to interact with the audience present then you will benefit from increased participation.
The direct is an innovative means in the communication of companies and makes it possible to invent a new way of diffusing a message in video. It will reflect on your company a modern image and at the cutting edge in the consideration of the public, its prospects and customers.
The broadcasting of a direct on the Internet is done without particular channel. Use your usual channels: Facebook, Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Twitter… etc… and the Internet is everywhere