We will be looking to create a vision text in Illustrator. Now Illustrator has a View Tool here in the toolbar and for the first time, you will select the Perspective Grid Tool. And when you click on that tool, you get a view grid. Now you may have already noticed this while working for Illustrator, and you may have struggled to eliminate it. But for now, I’m going to extend the grid so it’s bigger. So, I have more room to put my text. I’m going to drag it here to zoom in on it.
Now in case you use the grid and need to delete it, you’ll just have to go to the view option here, select View Grid and Hide Grid, and then just hide it. But I want to see it, so I’ll show it. The selector above allows you to select a panel to work on, so for now, this panel is preferred. Now this is selected, and now this one below is selected. We will only use the top two. Now we’re going to build a rectangle directly on the grid and we can do that, so I’m going to Rectangle Tool. Also Read: How to rotate text in paint.net.
Dragging Inside The Grid
I just mean to start dragging inside the grid here and you can see that our rectangle is set in perspective. If I go to the Thinking Choice Tool, then I can just pick this situation, and be able to stretch it again with perspective. Now I need another rectangle over here, so I go back to the Rectangle Tool. If I want to draw on this panel, I need to click here to select this panel as the one I will be drawing on. I’ll just line it up and put it here.
Now this one, I want to be a light gray shade, so I just go straight to the color swatch panel here. I’ll just choose my light gray shade. So now that I have my local rectangles, it’s time to add my text. Now you might think that because we can draw shapes in the view grid we can just go ahead and type text on it. You can’t, unfortunately. And what I’ve done, I’ve already typed the text just so you don’t have to sit here and watch me type.
So I have three items and each of them is independent of each other, so I can move them and work with them independently. At the moment, they are behind these rectangles in the layer palette in the stacking order, if you will, So all I have to do is simply move them up by simply moving the rectangles below them. That would mean that when I put my text in the viewing grid, it would be more than a rectangle so we could see it.
To Add My Text To The View Grid
To add my text to the view grid, I will select the Option Choice Tool, and I will hold my text attachment. I’ll drag it and drop it on the appropriate viewing panel. No, I didn’t choose the right one, so I’ll press Command Z, or Control Z to undo. Let’s go and choose the right panel before we start. So I put my text in place. Very little is coming. I’ll hold down the Shift key as I drag the corner handle down here, so I can stretch my text to fill in the space I want it to use.
Now my text is black so with the panel behind it I want to change the color of my text. You would think that choosing a text with a Thinking Tool would be a good idea. Well, let’s just go and choose a color. Well the white color has not been applied to because you cannot edit the text using the Thinking Tool. Instead, we go back to the standard Selection Tool. And I will double-click to paste my text. And what you do opens up in text editing mode.
State Of Fragmentation
So you can see that the text has already been selected and is in a state of fragmentation. So with my chosen text, I can choose the color I want for my text. do there, press the Escape key twice to get out of the isolation mode and return to normal editing mode and now my text has changed color. Go get another text attachment again. Thinking Choice Tool … Also, make sure you select the panel you want to insert your text into to drag and drop it on the panel.
Now this is also a very small route. So I will hold the Shift key as I drag it to the corner anchor. Now if it doesn’t go far enough, just let it go and go pull it a second time. I’ll take this up a bit. It’s probably too big now. Also, I want to change the color of this so I go back to the standard Selection Tool. I will double-click on my version to enter this type of text editing mode. Now I am going to select the color type I want and then press Escape twice to get back to normal editing.
Also Read: Benefits of IT rental tools
Add One More Text
Now I just need to add one more text here. So again, I’m going to go to the Search Options Tool. I will make sure I select the panel where I want the text to go, which is the one above. I’ll pull it up and throw it over here. Also, very small. Hold the Shift key as easy. Now you do not need to hold the Shift key, but if you do not hold the Shift key, you will find that you are distorting your text. I just really want my text to be great. I don’t want it distorted.
Also, I want to reset this color, so again, back to the Selection Tool, double-click on the text, go select the color I want to use, double-click Escape, and return to our editing mode. In the meantime, you can make good adjustments if you need to. I think my writing is a bit out of place. I will zoom in here with the standard Zoom tool. Make sure I am a Thinking Tool. Now I can just press this text down a bit. Just drag it on with the mouse. When I am happy with the placement, I will press Control or Command zero